Outdoor leafy crops

These are some of the main leafy crops that can be found on our agricultural plain:
Spinach Sprouts.

Grown from November to April. This vegetable is rich in vitamin K and is also beneficial for bone metabolism. The sprouts have a more intense flavour than spinach.
Curly Escarole.

Grown from December to March. It is also known as curly chicory. It has a characteristic sweet and sour flavour. Its leaves contain intibina, a compound responsible for its bitter taste and the digestive benefits that are attributed to this vegetable.
Pointed cabbage.

Grown from January to May. Also commonly known as ox heart, this variety from the Brassicaceae family (cabbage) is not very easy to get hold of as it is mostly exported. This cabbage has a much more subtle and exceptional flavour than the regular cabbage.
Celery leaves.

Grown from November to May. Similar in appearance to parsley, the leaves are rich in vitamin C and A. They have a very intense flavour, they are pungent, slightly bitter and pleasant. They can be used in soufflés and other recipes. Their consumption is recommended during pregnancy.

Grown from October to April. Escarole leaves contain intibina, the compound responsible for its bitter taste and digestive benefits that are attributed to this vegetable. Like the lettuce, it is used to prepare tasty salads in winter.

Grown from October to May, and are harvested between February and May. Potatoes are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, iron, potassium, magnesium and fibre.