Sacratif Cape
Cala de la Joya
18720 Torrenueva GR

Located to the east of the village of Torrenueva, the Sacratif Cape constitutes a group of coastal slopes where typical species from the arid Southeast together with warm and humid environment can be found. The Marine Fennel (Chrytmun maritimus) and the exotic Orchid Butterfly (Orchis papilionacea) are two rare species which inhabit this area. Among the bird life, we must mention over-wintering species such as Seagull (Larus), Gannet (Sula bassana) and Big Cormorant (Acanthodactylus erythrurus), whereas among the migratory ones, it should be highlighted the presence of the Black tailed kite (Milvus migrans), Buzzard (Buteo buteo), Bee-eater (Merops apiaster). From a geological point of view, we must mention large Andalucita crystals (minerals), a submarine canyon which gives rise to the place name of the Joya Beach and the outcrop of fossils beaches, in its eastern boundary.


How to get there
Driving to Almeria along national road N-340, around 1,000 metres (3,280.84 feet) from the last roundabout in Torrenueva, you will find on the right a small unpaved road that will take you to the Sacratif Cape and its lighthouse.